A shameful incident has come to light from the Government Polytechnic College in Mahbubnagar district of Telangana. Here a mobile phone (hidden camera) was found recording a video in the girls' toilet. As soon as the students came to know about this, there was a stir in the entire college. The angry students started protesting outside the college, which made the atmosphere even more heated. This incident has raised big questions on the safety and privacy of the students.
After all, who had committed this shameful act?
While investigating the case, the police found that this act was done by Siddharth who is studying in the third year of the same college. DSP Venkateshwarlu said that the accused admitted to keeping the mobile phone in the washroom during the backlog examination.
Siddharth told that after the exam his mobile phone was missing, about which he had complained to the principal. After this, the students found the same mobile in the girls' toilet, which also contained his ATM card.
Students demanded the arrest of the accused
After the incident, the students of the college together demanded the arrest of the accused and appropriate action. The student organizations raised this incident seriously before the principal and the police. The police deleted the video from the accused's phone and took the accused into custody. The DSP assured that the case will be thoroughly investigated and the culprit will be given severe punishment.
Police made this appeal to the college administration
This incident has raised serious questions on the security arrangements in colleges. Finding a mobile camera in the girls' toilet shows a serious negligence. Strict steps need to be taken to prevent such incidents. The police have started investigating the case and have also appealed to the college administration to take concrete measures to prevent such incidents. The girl students have also learnt a lesson from this incident and stressed on the need to be vigilant for safety.