Walking fast benefits: Walking has always been associated with health benefits. Most of us go for a walk in the morning. Although some people walk slowly and some fast, a recent research has revealed that people who walk fast have a reduced risk of many diseases. If you do not have time to walk specifically, try to walk as much as possible during the day between your work. A recent study measured the walking speed of people and found out which health problems can be avoided by walking fast and how it can be very beneficial for people suffering from obesity.
To keep our body healthy, it is very important to eat a balanced diet and keep the body active, that is, along with eating a balanced diet, some physical activity every day is also very important. Walking is considered a very simple way to engage in physical activity. Walking has many amazing health benefits. It maintains the fitness of our body.
What did the study reveal?
The study examined whether the participants' walking speed was high according to age and gender. Based on this, the study showed that people who walk fast have a lower risk of heart problems and diabetes. The study found that people who walk fast have a 30 percent lower risk of diabetes. Apart from this, fast walking reduces high blood pressure and dyslipidemia. That is, fast walking reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Brisk walking improves cardiorespiratory fitness (the ability of the respiratory system to deliver oxygen to muscle mitochondria during physical activity). This reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.
- Weight loss:
Brisk walking reduces the calories stored in the body rapidly. It is said that brisk walking reduces excess fat stored on the stomach, hips and thighs especially rapidly. People suffering from obesity have a higher risk of metabolic diseases. This risk can be reduced by walking at a fast pace.
Brisk walking can be very helpful for people with bad cholesterol. Studies have shown that if people with high cholesterol walk at a brisk pace every day, it speeds up the process of burning cholesterol.
Studies have shown that people who have the habit of brisk walking like this can get immediate relief and prevent problems like blood pressure, diabetes, dyslipidemia, high bad cholesterol and obesity.