
Medical experts have reiterated that some modifications need to be made to the body mass index and not be solely used to measure and diagnose obesity since that specific criterion does not take into account the body fat percentage. This standard is so awful that it has probably resulted in even fit athletes being told that they were overweight, the olimpia colleagues of the lancet diabetes and endocrinology commission have stated in their report.

Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Commission, which consists of over 50 specialists, has advocated for “fundamental changes” in the ways of regarding obesity. The Lancet is a medical journal that is independent and serves as an international publication for medical research and other scientific content.

According to the report, a more precise measurement system should be implemented in which the diameter of the waist of the patients, their medical history, and other relevant examinations should be considered.

Over the past, the world has extensively utilized the body mass index metric to qualify someone as obese for as long as the commission advises “physicians to shift from the use of the body mass index alone”.

What Is Wrong With The Current Method?

The current method defends exclusively on the BMI index

The BMI Figuring Algorithm divides humans into three classes based on weight only.

This is obtained by taking the bodyweight in kilograms and dividing it by the height in squared meters.

It indicates intensively more than thirty means is obesity. twenty-five indicates being overweight whereas eighteen point five being healthy.

The BMI-based method disregards the percentage of body fat and muscle mass fitness.

It is possible that the earlier formula based on BMI principles, led to an overdiagnosis: without conducting additional segmentation of the patients.

This means millions of people with big bones or strong muscles have been mismanaged in my opinion as well as over weight people have been considered to be having gained awful weight as well.

What Is The Recommended Method?

Clinicians are being instructed to classify an individual as clinically obese only when the individual suffers from an illness that relates to obesity or presume to obesity.

Examinations should be performed on the individual including their medical history rather than being prescriptive based on assumed parameters.

Neuropathies such as type 2 diabetes that are the result of excess weight should be looked for in the patient.

Обсуждение: The commission led by Prof. Rubino pointed out that it is inappropriate to use only BMI to classify a person as obese. Misinformation is generated because one cannot think about obesity solely in terms of excess weight and fat. Many obese people have low sports activity, while other people who are considered obese may have strong bones and are involved in sports.”

To address this problem, Rubino notes that people need to distinguish between physiological and pathological obesity. To make this distinction, and in order to avoid overdiagnosing the disease, using only BMI is not enough. Overdiagnosing can occur when someone who is very active is misdiagnosed due to their BMI.

“Mere thinking through BMI does not show if someone has added body fat or not, nor does it show what organs operate or not,” Mr. Eberstadt stated, “In the presence of billion potential new patients that have already been classified as obese — no country is rich enough to be able to afford inaccuracy­ in the diagnosis of obesity.”

Obesity Definitions

Lancet’s commission doesn’t only say due to modern childhood obesity becoming an epidemic, there is a need to revise the clinical definition of obesity, and its respective criteria, but it also proposes a new model with two categories for the same: clinical obesity (an illness) & pre-clinical obesity. The rationale behind the new framing, it states, “enables the delineation of prevention and treatment targets with medical significance.”

For instance, those reaching chronic adiposity : This is described how people have excess body fat but no active diseases. Those in this category should be advised to lose weight, counseled and monitored to avoid getting health problems later on.

For other patients from reaching clinical obesity: This is a condition where some with”chronic systematic illness nexus” and excess fat leads to scary complications for vital organs putting one at risk of heart diseases, p70, or breathlessness, type 2 diabetes, p9, or joint pain when the person is ab. Such cases are likely to be treated with drugs or surgery.

The report points out that the ‘commission wanted to classify clinical obesity as a disease especific condition, similar to the perspective of chronic disease in other disciplines of medicine, which is caused by hypertrophy of the tissue and organ.’.

What do we Mean with Adiposity?

Adiposity is an excessive accumulation of body fat. It is a prevalent chronic disease that leads to adverse health outcomes.