On Thursday, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis condemned the vile attack on actor Saif Ali Khan and called the attack “unfortunate”. Along with rebuking the claims that had been made against his government regarding the law and order situation, the Chief Minister said that Saif Ali Khan attack is ‘false’ statement which Mumbai is unsafe.
While talking to Fadnavis, ‘Maharashtra Chief Minister’ Said that although sometimes certain incidents occur in city of mumbai that paint its safety in a lesser light, its still wrong to generalize the city as unsafe due to few events.
The Chief Minister also spoke on the politician's defensive Bai-tale. He made a point about the security situation and said, “Mumbai's image gets maligned (due to the Baital comments), but, to make the city safer, the government will certainly make efforts.” And that effort was made as he spoke to reporters at a special screening of Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency. The police are still investigating the Saif Ali Khan case, according to Devendra Fadnavis.
“Police have provided you every little information with respect to this. What kind of an attack has this been, what is the actual motive of this and what was the motive behind this attack is all right in front of you,” said Fadnavis who has been entrusted with the home portfolio, Manohar Lal Bjp said that this is a good government and will take measures to ensure the city is safe.
Safi Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times with a knife by an intruder in his 12th floor apartment in Bandra in the wee hours of Thursday. ’’. Immediately after the incident, he was taken to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai where doctors performed an emergency surgery and said that the actor is now out of danger.
On the other hand, Maharashtra Minister of State for Home, Yogesh Kadam said the opposition is trying to personally use the attack on the actor and why the case is being presented in the context of the actors surname is also wrong.
“That was more like a bid to commit theft, at this stage the police suspect they know the culprit and hope to round him up as soon as possible,” Kadam told the TV channel. The Minister has defended the police and said Mumbai is a secure city and the opposition is trying to tarnish the image of the police.
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan were targeted within their house by an individual that barge in through an uncovered fire exit and as the journalist noted, the assaulter will be apprehended shortly. Why did the media involve the Khan surname and change and twist the narrative, the minister argued.
Opposition's goal alongside the attack is to politicize it for their own gains however, the city is still exceptionally safe he explains.
This is all to provide context as to why the state of Maharashtra has scarcely reported and responded to any of the claims the opposition is making regarding the attack on the Mahayuti government.
Saif Ali Khan's open wounds are exceedingly clear evidence Jitendra Awhad - NCP (SP) leader - took a rather antagonistic stance purely in terms of masculinity by stating that Saif's alleged attacker wanted to kill him.
In other X posts, Maharashtra assembly’s opposing party’s group leader; Awhad spoke out in favor of Saif, asserting that the reason he was under fire in the first place was due to him naming his son Taimur.
Moreover, Aaditya Thackeray along with Shiv Senna’s Priyanka Chaturvedi have raised alarms regarding trust when it comes people’s safety in Bandra.