
Alleged attacker has been caught on camera leaving the building through the staircase after stabbing the bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan in his Bandra apartment. The footage was released less than 24 hours of the actual incident.

The accused was caught on tape leaving the apartment through the staircase, who's attacker broke into the actors Singh's apartment in Bandra during the early hours.

The cctv footage going viral shows how the intruder entered Singh's and Kareena’s apartment while utillizing the emergency exit, but after emergency surgery, doctors at Lilavati hospital announced the actor 'out of danger'.

Picture Of Saif Ali Khan's 'Attacker' Leaked As CCTV Footage Caught The Suspect Cleansing The Building Through Stairs

Pic Of Saif Ali Khan 'Attacker' Released, CCTV Footage Shows Suspect Fleeing Building Via Staircase


Due to the unclear view of the stairs that have been mounted with CCTV's, it became relatively simple for the cops to get an image of the stabbed bollywood actors alleged attacker.

The login door that Saif had used was unlocked, and the dumbest burglar had entered the house through the fire escape that the actors had left open. After that, the burglar made his way round the back of the building to the stairs, where the dummy had a separate door to burglarize the place.

The speculation advanced by high ranking police officers suggests that the criminal in question was not known to the owner of the house and likely wished to conduct a burglary of a high-end building. But, once he got into the building, he entered the room where the maid was. the maid started to scream and then came the actor, Saif when he caused a commotion to aid her.

The altercation was met by Saif Ali Khan's attempts to cease movement from the intruder to overpower him which ensued into further scuffle, and later onto the actor being stabbed. The intruder that stabbed the actor has not been caught and has since fled the scene.

Khan's caretaker, who was the first to scream, has also suffered a scratch on her hand as a result of the scuffle and has reported it to police. His intentions were malicious as he has been convicted of many crimes listed under BNS, to be exact: 311,312,331(4),331(6) and 331(7).
