The Bangalore court has granted bail to Nikita Singhania, her mother Nisha and brother Anurag, accused in the Atul Subhash suicide case. The court gave this decision after the High Court's direction. Let us tell you that these three had first filed a bail petition in the Karnataka High Court. Then the High Court ordered the Sessions Court to take a decision on this on January 4. While hearing the bail petition on Saturday, the Bangalore Civil Court granted them relief.
Atul's lawyer challenged the court's decision
At the same time, after the court's decision, Atul Subhash's lawyer said that he will challenge this decision. The lawyer says that after receiving the copy of the order, an appeal will be made in the High Court. Nikita and her family have also filed a petition to cancel the FIR of the case, which will be heard on January 6.
Accused Nikita was accused of inciting suicide
Let us tell you that on 14 December 2024, Karnataka Police arrested Nikita from Gurugram and Nisha and Anurag from Prayagraj. They were accused of instigating Atul Subhash to commit suicide.
Atul and Nikita got married in 2019
According to the information, Atul and Nikita got married in 2019. Then in 2020 they had a son, but due to family dispute, both started living separately. Atul told in his suicide note that he was harassed by implicating him in false cases.
Atul committed suicide on 9 December
Then Atul Subhash (34) committed suicide by hanging himself in his house in Bengaluru on 9 December. He left a 40-page suicide note and a 90-minute video in which he accused his wife and in-laws of mental harassment. This case has exposed the serious aspect of bitterness and mental stress in family relationships.