
Exploration of human health and disease was enriched by the introduction of vitamins. In 1912, Polish biochemist Casimir Funk came up with the term ‘vitamine’ that we know today. During the nineteen century and the middle part of the twentieth century, vitamines gained traction and more people started understanding their importance. Though pains were taken during the research of nutrition, and counterfeit was in more than abundant supply, wonderful scientific breakthroughs were made resulting in a lower supplement-suffering era , according to a study by the meridian institute of Pittsburgh.

During the span of a hundred years, humans gradually formulated a strong understanding about the significance of vitamins, and single-handedly put an end to vitamin deficiency diseases like rickets, scurvy and beri-beri.

Alongside medicines selling over the counter, gathering vitamins from different types of shops is straightforward, such as chemist and other medical units, to mention a few. Add to that the free advice one gets on social media and from sundry friends, and there is the risk of taking an overabundance of vitamins that the body either already has enough of or effectively receives from the nutrition.

On the other hand, a condition known as currently hypervitaminosis D can occur due to excessive intake of Vitamin D. Such a condition can be dire though it is also a rare instance.

Vitamin D is regarded as a fat soluble vitamin which is derived from certain animal food sources as well as created endogenously when humans are exposed to sunlight. It assists in maintaining the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body which are essential to ensure healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

Rickets and osteopenia are health conditions a person with Vitamin D deficiency is prone to develop if not treated. Vitamin D supplements are readily available over the counter or can be prescribed by medical professionals. Moreover, it has recently been established that vitamin D deficiency or imbalance is related to the onset of autoimmune disorders, cancer, gender specific diseases, depression, dementia, musculoskeletal deterioration, and even vitamin d and calcium plays a major role in pregnancy in having healthy fetuses healthy.

As mentioned earlier, Vitamin D toxicity is caused by excessive intake of Vitamin D supplements and not sunlight or fortified foods. Sun exposure and fortified foods should not cause vitamin D toxicity as the body controls vitamin D production.

Almost all the symptoms that are associated with Vitamin D toxicity are caused by hypercalcemia. These symptoms include:

Less appetite

Feeling of nausea and vomiting

Suffering from constipation

Feeling dehydrated

Increased thirst, known as polydipsia

Frequent urination

Confusion, feeling lethargic and a sensation of tiredness.

Weakened muscles and difficulty in walking

Feeling pain in the bones

Formation of kidney stones.

What Causes Vitamin D Toxicity?

The case of Hypervitaminosis D is rare and only comes up on cases where there have been overdoses of Vitamin D that resulted from overusing self-prescription supplements or wrong prescriptions made by doctors.

The primary effect of vitamin d toxicity would be to offset the homeostasis normal regulatory processes that control bone metabolism which may result in increased calcium in the blood system of up to 14 mg calcium per 100 ml.

Ignoring this condition may result in calcium overproduction that may lead to bone pain or kidney problem from the formation of stones containing calcium.

How Much Vitamin D Should You Take In?

Cleveland Clinic’s requirements for the daily intake of vitamin D starts with:

Adults aged between 19 and 50 years are required to take a maximum of 600 IU/d

Those aged between 50 and 70 years are also required to take a minimum of 600 IU/d

Adolescents aged 70 and older are suggested to take at least 800 IU/d

A maximum of 4000 IU/d is suggested per day for generally healthy adults.

About Vitamin D Deficiency

Dr. Kumar talked about the common imbalance in diet and nutrition while he spoke to ABP Live as reported by Amrita Hospital located in Faridabad. Exposure to sunlight is crucial but in case one is not able to do so it becomes important to take Vitamin D supplements.

He elaborated that salmon fish and mackerel fish along with tuna contains vitamin D ranging from 500 to 1000 IU, Cod liver has approximately 1360 IU for each tablespoon while egg yolk has around 40 IU for each chicken egg.

He identified fortified food items as: milk fortified with vitamins and minerals containing 100 IU for each cup, soy and almond and orange juice have around 40 to 100 IU of vitamin fortified cereals and orange juice.

He mentioned the exposure to the sun vitamin D recommends:

Individuals with fairer skin can generate adequate vitamin D by exposing the Sun for around 10 to 30 minutes 2 to 3 times a week.

He noted that people with dark skin or older adults generates vitamin D at a lower rate, thus these individuals may have to spend a little bit more time in the sun.

As per the statement of Kumar, ‘bone pain and tenderness, muscle weakness, fatigue, depression and low immunity’ are some common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. He also emphasizes that delayed wound healing mostly occurs due to vitamin D deficiency.”

Patients that the doctor look for are:

* Continuous throat and bone pain
* Chronic fatigue, mood fluctuations and recurrent infections
* Cannot/difficult to recover from illness
* Limited exposure to sunlight, obesity, dark skin or have Crohn’s disease or celiac disease

Deficiency can be identified via blood tests that involves measuring 25-hydroxyvitamin D and D3 levels.

He also adds that, ‘In most cases, diet is not enough for maintaining recommended daily intake of vitamin D, supplements are a must for patients having low sunlight exposure.’

Treatment includes stopping vitamin D intake along with restricting dietary calcium and tempura. With that, he can prescribe intravenous fluids and medications to patients, these medications may include bisphosphonates or corticosteroids, whose purpose is to lower calcium levels in the blood. In Cleveland Clinic's case, ‘For some patients, dialysis is necessary to remove excess calcium while patients with kidney issues also require Hemodialysis, which helps remove excessive calcium.’

Remember to speak with your physician prior to making any moves towards beginning supplementation with vitamins and minerals.