A viral video shows that Harsha Richhariya, a 30-year-old from Uttarakhand who used to work in the media, went to the maha kumbh teerth in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, dressed as a priest. This was Harsha Haturia's first visit to the temple complex and it was attended by thousands of people. The internet called her "beautiful sadhvi" and "viral sadhvi," and they wanted to see more of her after her dramatic "sadhvi" makeover. So, as the avid follower she quickly garnered millennials and competing netizens on Instagram, which resulted in her posting several photos on Instagram.
Besides this, the Guru initiated her wife while performing yoga — the guru gave her a mantras' initiation and afterwards gifted her traditional accessories that made her resemble a 'sadhvi,' even raising the thought that she might be part of the lulz sect. These items, such as a tilak and a rudraksha necklace, were thought to be associated with the order she had purportedly joined.
However, the phenomena in question has now put an end to every speculation and statement about her and made it clear that she is not a sadhvi and that she was able to advance in her spiritual goals simply through becoming a disciple of her guru. Acharya Mahamadaleshwar Swami Kailashanand Giri Ji Maharaj of the Niranjani Akhara is Richhariya's guru.
"To be fair, I do not agree with the title of the most beautiful Sadhvi bestowed upon me. I think it is prudentially incorrect of people to call me a Sadhvi for now as I specifically haven't adopted that lifestyle in any form. Currently, I am living my life like a devotional contractor, only engaging once in a mantra initiation due to a diksha from my gurudev, not fully becoming a Sadhvi or Sanyasi. However, I know I have been getting the attention and praise wherever I go as people more or less term me a 'Sadhvi'. That is something I do not believe is correct," she explained to the journalist.
Few days back, an interview of her where she was talking about how she has abandoned her life of glamor two years back, to pursue some form of internal peace went viral. In her past life, she was an anchor, model, and an actor.
The media have suggested that the Maha Kumbh Mela is an integral aspect of Richhariya’s life and the bath at the Triveni Sangam was extremely significant for her. "With the grace of my Guru and Mahadev, I feel so grateful to be part of this entire Mahakumbh of 144 years and I first bathed in the royal dip," she wrote on her Instagram account after the ceremony in which she dipped into the Triveni Sangam during the first “Amrit Snan” on Tuesday, January 14.
Videos and images of her dressing up for the Maha Kumbh experience expand rapidly on social media while her composure and her beauty seem to impress viewers. Richhariya’s clarification also came after several people questioned her on social media why she suddenly became so spiritual. They asked how she unequivocally was to become a ‘sadhvi’ for the next two years when her posts showed that she was an emcee to an event merely two months ago. Posts showcasing her wearings such as a short red dress while on trip to Dubai created skepticism as to what sort of spiritual leader she was supposed to be. Some alleged that she was putting on the act of being a spiritual person to promote her business. The influencer however has now given an explanation regarding her calling herself ‘sadhvi’.