Based on the complaint of a woman who is a resident of New Delhi, the Police in Himachal Pradesh has filed a FIR against Haryana BJP chief Mohan Lal Badoli, a BJP candidate who is also a singer and goes by the name of Jai Bhagwan. The FIR was registered at Kasauli in Solan District in the state of Himachal Pradesh on December 13, 2024 when the already married woman accused these two men to have raped her in a hotel.
According to the PTI news agency the complainant also accused the perpetrators of making an intimidating video before physically assaulting her and threatening to kill her if she ever told this narrative to someone, which other news media reported. An FIR registered on Tuesday suggests that the accused made violent Islamic statements into a camera when the Punjabi actress landed at Rocky’s house in Panchkula over two months ago.
The complainant claims that they were together in a hotel located in Kasauli, and it was there when they met Badoli falsely claiming to be a political leader and Rocky who self proclaimed himself to be a singer, on the 3rd of July in 2023, as stated in the FIR. According to the statement in the FIR, the two men later invited the complainant and her friend to a different room and assured them that the woman will be able to obtain a position in the government as well as an opportunity to beat featured in a music video.
As alleged in the FIR, on the other hand, the woman was intoxicated inappropriately without consent and taken advantage of in a sexual manner, and this was done by the two men. Further, through their use of intimidation tactics on the victim in the form of videos and pictures which were recorded during the abuse, they were able to manipulate the complainant into silence. This was reported by PTI.
As per the complaint, she alleged that “no matter how much we protested, they made us drink alcohol. Then they started molesting me. When I protested, they warned my friend and told her to sit aside. Then they turned to me and said they would have me killed if I defied them. They both took turns in raping me. They also recorded a video of me and took pictures of me in the nude. ” Indian Express reported that.
The accused threatened the victim when she was invited to the house of Rocky in Panchkula about two months back: she says, “My threats were that I would be made untraceable if I informed the police or anyone else with regard to the matter. We felt shame… It was approximately two months back that they invited us to Panchkula and threatened that all of us would be falsely framed in a criminal case. Thereafter, we were able to trace the address of Rocky Mittal at Panchkula, Badoli’s address at Sonipat and their cell phone numbers. I pray to the court as holding them to be guilty and dishonourable, would dispense justice to me by taking appropriate steps against them. Also, my nude pictures and videos should be deleted from their mobile phone numbers…”
Mohan Lal Badoli, the Haryana BJP Chief, dismisses the gangrape as ‘false allegations’
In regard to the allegations, Badoli was quoted by The Indian Express as saying that these accusations are “groundless” and stated, “All this is not the case at all. I do not know what is going on. Such FIRs can be fake too. Perhaps because the elections are nearing in Delhi, this kind of fake FIRs are being floated around.”
Both Badoli and Rocky were charged by the police under sections 376D (gang rape) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita).