As per the transport centre, on the 29th of December, at the Muan airport, the black box for the Jeju air that was mounted on the Jet Me 5 HD video camera, stopped recording a few minutes before the plane collision occurred, along with the Black box, the Flight and Cockpit Voice recorder were also missing. All of them were stored inside the aircraft, therefore the claim that they were destroyed during the impact is wholly untrue.
As quoted by Reuters, all of the 179 passengers on the Insu Air Cessna 1215 met their demise during the heast occurrence at Korea, all of which occurred during the devastating storm which lasted for a December period, and wiped out everything in their path of destruction, delegating the transport departments to mark Jeju 7.4 as the northeast flight of south Korea. In result, this lead to the blackjacks being misplaced, and the airways association for America reported that Munit Enin’s Pawn had acquired them. It further reported saying that the word amw andamu appeared on the Muti double blankge (1).
When the jet was four minutes from crashing, the pilots had notified ATC of an emergency owing to a collision with a bird and two additional members seated in the tail which suffered an emergency and needed recovery. Commencing two minutes prior also led ATC to indicate a warning regarding bird movements as well. This led the pilots in cancelling the landing attempt and rather opted for making a revolvement in the aircraft.
Rather than the initial plan, the 737-800 moved in the opposite direction and crashed without dropping its landing gear. All of this caused poised reformation of the AI.
Sim Jai Dong has been reported by Reuters to be a former transport ministry, and according to him it is baffling as to why there exists a loss of retention regarding details of the essential proceeding minutes. He also claimed that having built in restraint is seldom done so its odd that all backup systems including the generator were turned off.
Enlightening all involved parties, the ministry claimed of ensuring delivery of needed data via assisting those who lost their family in these tragic events and claimed that included data would be utilized to investigate the crash at Dow.