
Bengaluru Police: A heartbreaking case has come to light from Bengaluru, Karnataka, where an entire family was found dead in a house on Monday morning. The family, hailing from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, consisted of a husband, wife and their two children, who were found dead in a rented house in Bengaluru. According to the information received, the police is investigating the case from the angle of murder and suicide. The deceased have been identified as Anup Kumar (38), his wife Rakhi (35), their 5-year-old daughter Anupriya and their 2-year-old son Priyansh. The deceased Anup Kumar, originally from Prayagraj, was living with his family in Bengaluru to work as a software advisor in a private firm.

He was worried about his daughter's health

When the maid arrived on Monday morning, she rang the bell several times but there was no response from inside. The maid then informed the neighbours, who then informed the police. On entering the premises, the police found the bodies of the couple and their children. Preliminary investigations revealed that Anup and Rakhi had poisoned their children before committing suicide by hanging themselves. The news report claimed that the couple was reportedly worried about their daughter's health. Anupriya, 5, needed special care and according to the statement of the servant working in their house, her parents were reportedly under stress.

There were 3 helpers to work in the house

However, the police also got information that the couple was going to Pondicherry on Sunday, a day before their death, for which they had also packed. The maid working in the house gave this information to the police. The family had hired helpers for different tasks in their house, including two for cooking and one for taking care of the children. Each helper was also given a salary of Rs 15,000. The police have not yet recovered any suicide note from the spot. The police have sent the bodies for post-mortem, further investigation is on.
