The Supreme Court on Tuesday granted bail to Bharat Rashtra Samiti (BRS) leader K. Kavitha in corruption and money laundering cases related to the alleged Delhi Excise Policy scam. The BRS leader also walked out of Tihar Jail a few hours after the court granted her bail. After coming out of Tihar, K. Kavitha said, “We will fight legally and politically. They have made the BRS and KCR team unbreakable by illegally sending us to jail.”
She was in jail because of dirty politics
The BR's leader said, I got emotional after meeting my son, brother, and husband after almost five and a half months. Only politics is responsible for this situation. The whole country knows that we were put in jail only because of politics. We will fight and prove ourselves innocent.
On what conditions did Kavitha get bail?
Let us tell you that the bench of Justice BR Gavai and Justice KV Vishwanathan said that Kavita's custody is no longer required because she has been in custody for more than five months. The investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) against her in these cases has been completed.
The bench said that since 493 witnesses are to be examined in both the cases and 50,000 pages of documents are to be considered, there is no possibility of the trial ending shortly. Keeping this in mind, we issue an order to release Kavita on immediate bail on a bond of Rs 10 lakh in each case.
The court asked Kavita to submit her passport
Not only this, the Supreme Court directed Kavita to submit her passport to the lower court and said that she would not make any attempt to tamper with the evidence or influence the witnesses. The court directed Kavita to regularly attend the proceedings of the lower court. Also, she will cooperate in ensuring a speedy settlement of the case.
Know why the BRS leader was arrested?
Let us tell you that the ED arrested Kavitha from her Banjara Hills house in Hyderabad on March 15, 2024. The CBI arrested her on April 11 in a corruption case related to the alleged scam. The BR's leader was accused of being part of the 'South Group', an alleged gang of businessmen and politicians. The gang allegedly paid a bribe of Rs 100 crore to Delhi's ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in exchange for a liquor license. However, now he has got bail in this case.