A 27-year-old, Rajan Singh, a transgender from the Aam Janata Party, has claimed that the leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party are 'harassing' him as the police in Delhi are not able to register any complaints. The 27-year-old had filed their nomination on Wednesday against Chief Minister Atishi from the Kalkaji Constituency. Singh told news agency ANI, “I represent my community, and I am a part of the transgender community. When I went to file my nomination papers, the papers were torn. I receive constant harassment from AAP leaders, and even the Delhi Police are not registering my complaint. The Delhi High Court saw my complaints and gave a notice to the Delhi Police to submit a report in writing within 48 hours…”
“Such a beautiful depiction of democracy”
Singh, who lives in Sangam Vihar, has submitted their nomination papers with their transgender friends and supporters. Speaking to PTI outside the DM office, Singh said, “I have filed my nomination against the Chief Minister of Delhi, who is said to be the most educated and intellectual Minister,’ while talking about Atishi.
While critically mentioning how the transgender community has been consistently overlooked, Singh has said that “The Aam Aadmi Party government has not done anything for us in the past decade. I have submitted my nomination to the ‘most powerful woman in Delhi', who is often described as a ‘rubber-stamp’ Chief Minister. This nomination is a beautiful picture of democracy where a transgender person stands face to face against a powerful figure."
A picture of a school Singh wished to attend. "There are no schools for us, no hospitals, no toilets. The government is making announcements for why these amenities should be built for men and women, why they are gifting some people monthly cash allowances and numerous other schemes - but nothing for us."
The Kalkaji constituency contains a total of 194,515 voters which includes 106,893 male voters 87,617 female voters and 5 transgender voters.