Today's Panchang: Today, 28 December 2024, is the Trayodashi date of Krishna Paksha of Paush month i.e. Pradosh fast and Saturday. This will be Shani Pradosh fast. It is cold season now, so according to the scriptures, donate woolen clothes to the needy on the day of Shani Pradosh fast, this gives relief from the troubles of Shani.
To remove the Shani Dosh in your Kundali, offer black sesame seeds on Shivling and perform Jalabhishek on this day. Also feed roti to a black cow. It is believed that this solves financial, mental and physical problems.
Let us know today's auspicious and inauspicious time (Shubh muhurat 28 December 2024), Rahukaal (Aaj Ka Rahu kaal), auspicious yoga, planetary changes, fasts and festivals, date, today's Panchang (Panchang in Hindi).
Today's Panchang, 28 December 2024 (Calendar 28 December 2024)
Date | Trayodashi (28 December 2024, 2.26 am - 29 December 2024, 3.32 am) |
Party | Krishna |
wise | Saturday |
constellation | anuradha |
sum | colic |
Rahu Kaal | 9.48am - 11.05am |
Sunrise | 07.08am - 05.27pm |
Moonrise | 5.47am - 3.08pm, December 29 |
Directional Shool | East |
Moon Sign | Scorpio |
Sun Sign | Sagittarius |
Auspicious time, 28 December 2024 (Shubh Muhurat)
wee hours | 04.46am - 05.37am |
Abhijit Muhurta | 12.01pm - 12.43pm |
Twilight Muhurta | 05.28 PM - 05.55 PM |
Vijay Muhurta | 01.59 PM - 02.44 PM |
Ajay Kaal Muhurta | 11.04am - 12.47pm |
Nishita Kaal Muhurta | 11:56 PM - 12:50 AM, 29 December |
28 December 2024 inauspicious time (Today's inauspicious time)
- Yamaganda - 1.40 pm - 2.48 pm
- Adal Yoga - 10:13 PM - 12:24 AM, December 29
- Gulika Kaal - 7.13 am to 8.30 am
- Vidal Yoga - 7.13 am - 10.13 am
- Bhadra Kaal - 3.32 am - 7.13 am, December 29
Today's solution
On the occasion of Saturday and Pradosh fast, donate shoes, slippers, fruits, warm clothes today. This increases good fortune.