New Delhi: In the last one week's trading session, the Sensex index closed at 81381 on Friday with a decline of about 0.38 percent. On the other hand, the Nifty index closed with a decline of about 0.20 percent in the last one week. Overall, the Indian market is trading in a range.
Meanwhile, there are some stocks in the stock market that are witnessing continuous buying. We will tell you about those 6 smallcap stocks of the last three trading days (9 October, 10 October, and 11 October) whose price has increased and their trading volume and delivery volume have also seen a tremendous increase.
Let us tell you that when the trading volume and delivery volume of a stock increase, it is believed that the investor's interest in the stock is increasing.
Dodla Dairy Shares
The first small-cap stock in this list is Dodla Dairy. In the last three trading days, this stock has given a return of more than 11 percent. The trading volume of this stock has reached from 1297 to 18220 during these three days, while the delivery volume has reached from 564 to 6338.
Windlass Biotech Shares
Windlass Biotech's share has given a return of 10 percent to its investors in the last three days. In this small-cap share, the share volume has increased from 4632 to 13656 during the last three days, while the delivery volume has increased from Rs 2642 to 9747.
VST Industries Shares
VST Industries shares have jumped 9 percent in the last three days. The trading volume of this stock has increased from 19448 to 36025 while the delivery volume has increased from 9285 to 19776.
Privi Speciality Chemicals Shares
Privi Specialty Chemicals stock has given a return of up to 6 percent in the last three trading days. The trading volume of this stock has increased from 2232 to 8353 during this period, while the delivery volume has also increased from 998 to 4006.
Century Plywood India Share
Century Plywood India stock has given a return of 4% in the last three trading days. During the last three days, the volume of this small-cap stock has increased from 2719 to 12038, and on the other hand, the delivery volume has also jumped from 768 to 4860.
Oriental Aromatics Share
Oriental Aromatics stock has given a profit of 3.9 percent to its investors in the last three trading days. During these 3 days, the trading volume of the stock which was earlier at the 1539 level has reached the 3413 level and the delivery volume has increased from 941 to 2132.