New Delhi: Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata passed away late on Wednesday night, whose last rites will be performed at Worli crematorium this evening. Meanwhile, Tata Group's leading IT company Tata Consultancy Services ( TCS ) has announced the result of the second quarter of the financial year 2024-25, but the company has decided not to hold a press conference. The date for the result of the second quarter of the financial year had already been announced, so the result was not postponed.
The company's net profit increased by 5%
TCS' consolidated net profit increased by 5 percent to Rs 11,909 crore in the July-September quarter of 2024. At the same time, it was Rs 11,342 crore in the September quarter a year ago. During the reported quarter, the company's revenue from operations grew 8 percent year-on-year to Rs 64,259 crore.
TCS Dividend Record Date
Apart from this, the company has also announced to issue dividends to its investors. TCS will pay an interim dividend of Rs 10 on each of its shares, which will be paid on November 5, 2024. The company has fixed October 18 as the record date to identify the shareholders who will benefit from the dividend. The benefit of the dividend will be given to those shareholders whose names will be included in the company's member register or depository records by October 18. In such a situation, dividends will be issued to investors who buy shares at least one day before the record date.
View TCS Dividend History
TCS issues dividends to its shareholders from time to time and the company has been paying dividends continuously for the last few quarters. Earlier, Tata Consultancy Services had issued a dividend of Rs 10 per share on 19 July 2024, while before that a dividend of Rs 28 per share was distributed on 16 May 2024. At the same time, in January 2024, the company had issued a dividend of Rs 18 per share.
On Thursday, TCS shares closed with a slight decline at 4,227.90. It has given a return of just 6 percent in the last 6 months, while investors have made a profit of only 16 percent in one year. At the same time, it has got a multi-bagger return of 110 percent in five years.