New Delhi: Khan was attacked by an unidentified criminal who rest close to his residence in Bandra, East Mumbai during the day for about six hours. The attack took place while Singh was visiting India but was unable to locate the individual on crime scene. Further investigation suggested that Singh alongside his wife Kareena stayed close to the National College vicinity that is barely within 300 meters of the Indian couple.
A suspense wrapped story with multiple attacks came to an end with the couple’s rescue at the Lilavati hospital. Mohammad Shariful was arrested after further questioning by the police alongside forty other prime suspects.
What are the key developments of Saif Ali Khan’s attack?
Atacker Took Six Hour Naps Close To Saif Ali Khan’s House.
As per Mumbai Police, the unidentified attacker was followed first by his house Saif Ali khan’s house after which he took St Theresa’s road, threw a few blocks across 32nd road and was then able to reach linking road. The police also suspect that the criminal was able to change his clothes and get some rest somewhere in between the journey. Post that he was located at Bandra railway station at 08:24 AM where he took the train heading to Churchgate. He was seen again at Ahmedabad Dadar Railway Station was at 8:45 AM, at this time this man was seen buying a set of headphones.
The intruder had no idea he was trespassing through Saif’s house.
As per the Maharashtra’s deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar, the attacker was not aware of the fact that he had trespassed through the house which was occupied by Kareena Kappor Khan and Saif Ali Khan. The man that surfaced was a Bangladeshi and has been reported to Syed Mohammad Shariful Islam Sheikh & Senior Winnipeg Kabeer Moulana Ali’s son , Shehzad Alias. According to clwoc experts, he had entered through kolkota from Bangladesh eight months prior to moving nd settling in Mumbai. After being relocated he was hired by an unregistered agency and had started working as a housekeeper.
Saif Ali Khan attack: What did the assailant hope to achieve by stabbing Saif?
The police say that the actor was attacked for intending to rob him. DCP Zone 9 Dixit Gedam reported that the 30 year old man who was charged with the crime broke into the house of the actor with the intention of stealing. During the investigation, police were able to monitor the events that happened around this attack and that included the examination of CCTV footage from multiple locations.
Shehzad's accomplices or those that aided him in the task of stabbing Saif were arrested.
The police was able to arrest Shehzade on the basis of facial recognition technology as well as the bike number they tracked down while Shehzad was seen disembarking from a bike at the Bandra railway station on January 9. Interviews with contractors residing near Worli Koliwada revealed that the assailant had previously been observed in the Dadar railway station neighborhood on three separate occasions. He also paid a visit to a labour contractor located in the vicinity. An investigation by police officers spanning across four days finally led them to Shehzada, residing in Thane.