
Daily Panchang of 6 January 2025 / Aaj Ka Panchang: 6 January 2025 is the Saptami date of Shukla Paksha of Paush month. On this date, there will be a combination of Uttarbhadrapada Nakshatra and Parigha Yoga. Talking about the auspicious time of the day, Abhijeet Muhurta on Monday is from 12:05-12:46 minutes. Rahukaal is from 08:35 − 09:52 minutes. Moon will be present in Pisces.

Hindu Panchang is known as Vedic Panchang. Accurate calculation of time and period is done through Panchang. Panchang is mainly made up of five parts. These five parts are Tithi, Nakshatra, War, Yoga and Karan. Here in Daily Panchang we give you information about Shubh Muhurat, Rahukal, sunrise and sunset time, Tithi, Karan, Nakshatra, position of Sun and Moon, Hindu month and Paksha etc.

DateSeventhBy 18:23
constellationUttarbhadrapadaBy 18:56
First KaranamortarBy 07:20
Second Karana VanijaBy 18:23
sumgirthBy 25:58
moon  Pisces 
Rahu Kaal08:35 − 09:52 
Vikram Samvat2081  
Saka era1946  
auspicious timeabhijeet12:05 − 12:46

Five parts of Panchang
According to Hindu time calculation, the time taken by the 'moon line' to go 12 degrees above the 'sun line' is called Tithi. There are thirty Tithi in a month and these Tithi are divided into two parts. The last Tithi of Shukla Paksha is called Poornima and the last Tithi of Krishna Paksha is called Amavasya.

Names of dates- Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthi, Panchami, Shashthi, Saptami, Ashtami, Navami, Dashami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, Amavasya/Purnima.

Nakshatra:  A group of stars in the sky is called a constellation. It has 27 constellations and nine planets have ownership of these constellations. Names of 27 constellations- Ashwin constellation, Bharani constellation, Krittika constellation, Rohini constellation, Mrigasira constellation, Ardra constellation, Punarvasu constellation, Pushy constellation, Ashlesha constellation, Magha constellation, Poorvaphalguni constellation, Uttaraphalguni constellation, Hasta constellation, Chitra constellation, Swati constellation, Vishakha constellation, Anuradha constellation, Jyeshtha constellation, Mool constellation, Poorvashada constellation, Uttarashada constellation, Shravan constellation, Ghanistha constellation, Shatabhisha constellation, Poorvabhadrapada constellation, Uttarabhadrapada constellation, Revati constellation.

Var:  Var means day. There are seven days in a week. These seven days are named after planets- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 

Yoga:  Like constellations, there are 27 types of yoga. The conditions of special distances of Sun and Moon are called yoga. Names of 27 yogas formed on the basis of distances - Vishkumbh, Preeti, Ayushman, Saubhagya, Shobhan, Atigand, Sukarma, Dhriti, Shul, Gand, Vriddhi, Dhruva, Vyaghat, Harshan, Vajra, Siddhi, Vyatipat, Variyaan, Parigh, Shiva, Siddha, Sadhya, Shubh, Shukla, Brahma, Indra and Vaidhriti.

Karan: There are two Karanas in a Tithi. One in the first half of the Tithi and one in the second half of the Tithi. There are a total of 11 Karanas whose names are as follows - Bava, Balava, Kaulava, Taitil, Gar, Vanij, Vishti, Shakuni, Chatushpad, Nag and Kistughna. Vishti Karana is called Bhadra and auspicious works are considered forbidden in Bhadra.
