In 2019, the film 'The Accidental Prime Minister' was released in which Anupam Kher played the character of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Kher is saddened by the demise of the former PM. He shared his grief through a video message. He described him as a humble economist and an honest person.
In the shared video, the actor was seen saying, "I am out of the country right now and I got this sad news. I have spent about one and a half years with his life, when an actor plays a character, he not only studies the external things of that person, but also looks inside that person. Manmohan Singh was an amazing personality."
Kher further said, "I had refused to do this film for some reasons. Political reasons were also included in this. I thought that people would think that I did this film to make fun of them, some people even said this. But if I am asked to choose 3 or 4 great characters in my life, then one of them would be the character of Manmohan Singh ji."
Along with this video message, Kher wrote a long text. In which he said, “Very sad to know about the demise of former Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh! After studying his life for more than a year for the film 'The Accidental Prime Minister', I felt that I had really spent a lot of time with him. He was a good person by nature. He was completely honest, a great economist and a very humble person. Some people may say that he was not a smart politician! My heartfelt condolences to his family. Om Shanti.”
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An old video of actor Anupam Kher, who played the role of former Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on screen, is also going viral on social media. In which he mentioned the challenges associated with this role.
Sharing a behind the scenes clip, he said, "This will be one of my best characters. I really worked hard for this."
Let us tell you, the screenplay of the Hindi film 'The Accidental Prime Minister', directed by Vijay Ratnakar Gutte, has been written by Mayank Tiwari. It is based on Sanjay Baru's book 'The Accidental Prime Minister'. Sanjay Baru was Manmohan Singh's media advisor.