Tina Ahuja On Periods Cramp: Bollywood actor Govinda and his wife Sunita Ahuja's daughter Tina Ahuja has recently said something about women's periods during an interview which has created a lot of uproar. Actually she says that girls feel these things more while it is not so and she has taunted the girls of Delhi and Mumbai. In a conversation with Hotterfly, Tina said that she has never felt any pain during periods. Let's know what Tina has said about this.
'Girls of Mumbai and Delhi suffer from period pain'
In a conversation with Hotterfly, Tina has recently said something about periods which has created a stir everywhere. Actually, she has said that she has not felt any kind of pain till date. Talking further on this, she said that 'only girls from Mumbai and Delhi talk about period pain. However, women who are from small cities do not have any problem with anything'.
Half the problem comes from what people say
Govinda's daughter further talked about this and said, 'I have lived in Chandigarh most of the time and I have noticed that only girls from Delhi and Mumbai talk about period pain. Half the problem comes from the words of those people who talk about this problem and women who do not feel cramps during periods, start feeling it mentally as well.'
Eat ghee, eat less, sleep well, everything is fine
A lot of women in Punjab and other small towns don't even know when they get their periods and when they go through menopause. Maybe my body is a little desi, I have never had back pain, everything is fine. It's a 28-day cycle. Here I see girls always talking about it. You eat ghee, eat less, sleep well and everything will be normal. You should have a good diet. Most girls diet so much after looking at Instagram that they create problems for themselves, which actually don't exist.'