Anil Ambani Plan: Businessman Anil Ambani's company Reliance Group has announced to raise Rs 17,600 crore for future growth. The company plans to raise Rs 4,500 crore through equity shares, Rs 7,100 crore through FCCB from Varde Partners, and Rs 6,000 crore through QIP.
Reliance Group officials say Reliance Infrastructure Limited and Reliance Power Limited are set to raise funds to the tune of Rs 17,600 crore and execute their growth strategies with zero debt position.
Announcement of raising Rs 7100 crore
Both the companies have announced raising Rs 4,500 crore in the last two weeks through preferential issue of equity shares and Rs 7,100 crore through equity-linked long-term FCCBs from renowned global investment firm Varde Partners. Their maturity period is 10 years and the interest rate is five percent.
An additional Rs 6,000 crore will be raised through qualified institutional placement (QIP). In this, Reliance Power and Reliance Infrastructure aim to raise Rs 3,000-3,000 crore.
Net worth will cross 25 thousand crores.
Company officials said the resolution, along with shareholder approval, is expected by the end of the month. A senior group official said Reliance Group's strategy of raising capital through equity or equity-linked long-term bonds will provide the group companies with the necessary growth capital for their expansion plans.
Despite a debt-to-equity ratio of just 70:30, by raising Rs 17,000 crore through equity or equity-linked bonds, the group companies will have room to invest Rs 50,000 crore for their business plans over the next few years. After this financing, the net worth of both the companies will be around Rs 25,000 crore.