Anu Agarwal, who became an overnight star with the film 'Aashiqui' in the nineties, is currently in the headlines due to one of her videos, due to which she has come under the target of users. Anu Agarwal recently shared a video on social media, in which she is seen wearing a short dress. While sharing the video, Anu Agarwal wrote on her Instagram account, 'Partying hard, working hard and meditating are my favorite phrases.' But Anu Agarwal came under the target of users due to her clothes and dance style.
Users said - rubbish and absolutely cheap
One user wrote, "What rubbish. Please Anu maintain your class. We loved you in 'Aashiqui'. Don't ruin it." Another user wrote, "Be classy. What kind of cheapness is this?" Another comment read, "Why is she dancing so cheaply?" A user commented, "This is 2024, not 1990 madam. When will you grow up and stop wearing these children's frocks?"
Accident happened in 1999, she was in coma for a month
It is known that after 'Aashiqui' became a hit, Anu Agarwal worked in some more films, but they did not work. After this, the actress took a break from acting. In the year 1999, Anu Agarwal had a fatal accident, due to which she remained in coma for 29 days and her face was also damaged. Due to this, Anu Agarwal also lost her memory.