Elon Musk shared a dodgily taken picture of himself in the 9-year old black outfit, which, combined with the limestone scenery of the backdrop, completely changed the aesthetics of the image. Furthermore, he appeared in a middle hair-parting fashion with long hair, adding more spice to the ostentatious look.
Every user on the internet had to put in their 2 cents, commenting that it is finally ‘over’. Musk replied with, “it’s been so long I simply can’t believe it”. Musk shares “while trying to post the picture, I overheard someone saying, it’s been 9 years since Elon Musk finally removed this picture off the internet”. Musk then quickly deleted the post and shocked everyone on the internet, with a panic of over 15 million views to 148k likes on his tweet.
The picture that Musk shared got quite some attention as users flooded the post with memes and jokes, lauding his ‘goth’ style. One of the users remarked, “The internet this picture returned us with is hilarious”. Another one came up with, “this is a proof that billionaires also have their mid-night vampire phase. You don’t need to worry Elon, the internet will never forget you but unapologetically enjoys your glow-up.”
“Below is perhaps one of my personal favorites. The goth aesthetic has a special place in my heart,” Another user said.